
Charles Wills

Charles Wills is a retired Engineer. Since retirement, he has devoted much of his free time to reading and researching world and biblical history. He enjoys reading and collecting old books, especially textbooks published before the turn of the 20th century, as well as writing about the wealth of information hidden in them.

Most Recent Articles by Charles Wills:

Open Letter to Congress

Open Letter to CongressThe 2020 election was the most blatantly rigged election ever witnessed. We witnessed governors, judges, election officials and postal supervisors changing voting laws and regulations, although the Constitution, the law of land, clearly states that only state legislatures have the power to change election laws. That means the 2020 election was unconstitutional, and therefore unlawful. That also means the results are invalid! Regardless of that fact, many Republicans are calling for President Trump to concede an obviously rigged election.
- Monday, November 30, 2020

Why Can't Republicans Win the Popular Vote?

Why Can't Republicans Win the Popular Vote?Jonathan Bernstein of Bloomberg recently asked: "Why Can't Republicans Win the Popular Vote?" I decided to look into the question to see if I could find the answer. The last time a Republican won the popular vote and the presidency was in 2004, when George W. Bush won. Before that, Democrats won the popular vote in 1992, 1996, 2000, 2008, 2012 and 2016. How is that possible? After examining the 2020 election results in four swing states, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio and Pennsylvania, I found the same pattern in all four. So I decided to check more states to see if they exhibited the same pattern, and in every state I checked, 20 in all, I found the same pattern. I decided to check one more state, Texas, for a total of 21 states. So what do they all have in common?
- Saturday, November 28, 2020

Importing drugs from Canada still illegal

Importing drugs from Canada still illegalI recently quoted a Washington Times article from July of 2019 that stated: "The Trump administration opened the door Wednesday to allowing Americans to import drugs from Canada and other foreign markets, reversing long-standing U.S. policy as President Trump searches for ways to make good on his campaign promise to bring down prices." I stated that President Trump, unlike Obama, kept his promise to legalize importing prescription drugs.
- Saturday, November 21, 2020

Stealing the 2020 Election: Just another Democrat attempted coup

After the Democrat controlled justice system failed to frame President Trump, and pull off a coup, congressional Democrats resorted to impeachment to stain his character. At the same time, Hollywood and the media attempted to turn the President's supporters against him by regurgitating the false accusations and innuendo spewing from the mouths of lying socialist Democrats.
- Thursday, November 19, 2020

Unless justice prevails, America will become another third world banana republic run Democrat dictators

America will become another third world banana republicThe evidence for voter fraud in the 2020 election is overwhelming. For instance, at around 4 a.m' in the morning, hundreds of thousands of ballots were dumped in Detroit, and they were all for Biden. On top of that, we had numerous reports of poll workers throwing out ballots for the President, counting votes for Biden multiple times, giving votes for the President to Biden, and throwing Republican observers out of polling places.
- Wednesday, November 18, 2020

What's in store for Americans if the Democrats regain the power they lost in the Civil War?

A number of people contacted me expressing support for Biden because of his promise to socialize healthcare. They cite the fact that healthcare is too expensive for the average person to afford. To those people I say, it wasn't before government got involved. For example, Obamacare caused the cost of health insurance and healthcare in general to soar. In the very first year after Obamacare passed, my health insurance more than doubled, almost tripled, and so did co-pays. On top of that, drug prices skyrocketed.
- Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Americans will have to fight another bloody war to remain independent and free

Americans will have to fight another bloody war to remain independent and freeOur founders established an independent nation based on the philosophy that all men are created equal and our rights come from God, not the government or politicians. They made it clear that the purpose of government is to protect our God given rights, laid out in the Bill of Rights, not dictate what rights the government will allow us to have. Moreover, our founder's philosophy was one of benevolence, that provides equal justice for all; unlike the malevolent philosophy of socialism, that rules with an iron fist and denies fair and equal justice. The latter is the philosophy of the Democrat Party, and sadly, our Constitutional rights have have been infringed on by people we (supposedly) elected to represent us; corrupt lifetime politicians who share the same philosophy as Democrats.
- Monday, November 16, 2020

Totalitarianism: A humanitarian utopia called Socialism

Totalitarianism: A humanitarian utopia called SocialismThe media has repeatedly shown groups of millennials celebrating the theft of the 2020 election by socialist Democrats. To patriotic Americans, people who love America, the celebrations are shameful, and many are asking: "Don't they know what socialism is? Are they that ignorant?" The answer to the first question is NO, and the answer to the second question is YES. The younger generation, most of them, do not know the true history of socialism or understand the true nature of it, therefore we can't expect them to reject it.
- Tuesday, November 10, 2020

A Letter to President Trump

A Letter to President TrumpDear President Trump, I have heard various people saying that the FBI is going to investigate and expose the theft of the 2020 election, and the Department of Justice is going to prosecute the people behind it. Sir, I doubt there's enough honest, patriotic FBI agents left in the agency, that care about America or the integrity of the election system, to do the right thing. If the FBI's past behavior is any indication, the FBI will lie about it and cover it up to protect the people who rigged the election.
- Monday, November 9, 2020

Rubbing it in our faces: The most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of America

Rubbing it in our faces: The most extensive voter fraud organization in the history of AmericaDemocrats and their Marxist media accomplices, sniffling idiots who think we are all idiots, are claiming that President Trump, by questioning the integrity of the 2020 election, is destroying the integrity of the election system, and threatening democracy. However, they were singing a different tune when Al Gore questioned the results of the 2000 election. It's a different story when Democrats do it.
- Sunday, November 8, 2020

Republican observers thrown out of polling places: A sign that the ballots are all fraudulent

Republican observers thrown out of polling places: A sign that the ballots are all fraudulentThe media and the justice system both cover up the criminal activities of Democrats, and they even try to frame the Democrat's opponents for things Democrats actually did. The system is corrupt, and the 2020 election rigging, stuffing ballot boxes with phony mail in ballots, is proof that every institution in America has been corrupted by Democrats and their henchmen. Moreover, I learned by observing the behavior of Democrats that they accuse their opponents doing what they are guilty of. Democrats accused President Trump of Russian collusion, but it was the Democrats who used phony Russian propaganda, composed by Russian agents, in an attempt to frame the President. As a matter fact, it wasn't Donald Trump who was paid a half million dollars by the Russians; it was Democrat Bill Clinton.
- Saturday, November 7, 2020

By the time they come for you, there may not be anyone left to speak out for you

America being transformed into a one party socialist stateThe 2020 election is the second in my lifetime where socialist Democrats were given immunity from criminal prosecution and allowed to run for the presidency. It's a travesty of justice because the Justice Department and the Marxist media, supposedly lawmen and journalists, engaged in covering up their crimes. It's a travesty because the justice system has been used to prosecute the Democrats' opponents on false charges, and the media has been used to persecute the President based on lies.
- Thursday, November 5, 2020

The will of Socialist Democrats and the Marxist media Trumps the will of the people

The will of Socialist Democrats and the Marxist media Trumps the will of the peopleIf the 2020 election proved anything, it proved that Democrats and the Marxist media have corrupted the election system in America. The will of socialist Democrats and the Marxist media Trumps the will of the people. Last night, I saw states called for Biden with less than 50% of the total vote count in, and Fox even called one state for Biden with the President leading him with 59% of the vote total. It's mathematically impossible for Biden to win a state with the president leading him with 59% of the vote total.
- Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Words of Warning: I know what tyranny and oppression looks like because I have already lived through it

I know what tyranny and oppression looks likeWhen states started passing seat belt laws in the 1980s, a customer, who befriended me, told me that seat belt laws represented the beginning of tyranny. He said, "laws designed to control behavior always start out for our own good, but they always end up being used to oppress." He went on to say that police should not be charged with enforcing laws that are for our own good. Their concern should be keeping us safe from criminals - not from ourselves.
- Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Selling America out for personal profit

Selling America out for personal profitIn the 1800s, if a government official helped an adversary or foreign nation acquire ownership in a U.S. corporation, and they were caught, anyone involved would have been tried for treason. However, Democrats have been selling America out since they sold the coining (issue) of U.S. currency to foreign bankers in 1912, through the Federal Reserve Act. Far too many Americans are unaware of the fact that Democrats sold Americans into servitude in 1912.
- Sunday, November 1, 2020

Election Rigging: The Votescam Chronicles

Election Rigging: The Votescam ChroniclesAfter working with computers for 45 years, I know that computerized elections can be easily rigged, and that worries me because big tech and the media are both controlled by American hating socialists. Besides that, the media, big tech and government officials lie to us every day, and that proves they will do anything to advance their socialist agenda.
- Saturday, October 31, 2020

Foreign collusion: What is the evidence and what does the evidence indicate?

Foreign collusion: What is the evidence and what does the evidence indicate?Regardless of how tiresome and worn out the Russia hoax has become, Democrats and the media are now claiming that the information contained on Hunter Biden's laptop is Russian disinformation. The only Russian disinformation, that has been proven to be Russian disinformation, came from the Democrats, and that was the infamous Steele dossier, that the FBI used to spy on President Trump's 2016 campaign as well as his presidency.
- Thursday, October 29, 2020

Are you going to vote for any Democrats this time?

Are you going to vote for any Democrats this time?A friend recently said he didn't like some of the Republican candidates running for office, and he was thinking about voting for a Democrat instead. He asked, "Are you going to vote for any Democrats this time?" I responded, "no patriotic American should cast a vote for any Democrat in the coming election." I say that because the Democrat Party is a corrupt socialist organization.
- Tuesday, October 20, 2020

What is the New World Order and who is behind it?

I get the same two questions all the time. "What is the New World Order, and who is behind it?" To begin with, the New World Order is simply a global communist government, and based on my research, globalism (creating a world empire) isn't a new idea any more than communism is. Socialism, a euphemism for communism, has been around for centuries, and the goal of communism has always been domination of the masses.
- Monday, October 19, 2020
